Secondary Pathways

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Secondary Pathways

Working together to nurture lifelong learners

  1. Attendance



The School Day


Pathway 1 

Outreach typically consists of a total of 5 hours education per week. Teaching consists of lessons from a Link Teacher or small groups classes through remote learning.  


Pathway 2 

Monday - Friday


09:30 - 09:45   Lesson 1 (Tutor time)

09:45 - 10:45   Lesson 2

10:45 - 11:00   Break

11:00 - 12:00   Lesson 3

12:00 - 12:50   Lunch

12:50 - 13:00   Reading

13:00 - 14:00   Lesson 4

14:00 - 15:00   Lesson 5


Pathway 3

Transition pathway which is coordinated by the Transition Coordinator and the student’s home school.