Secondary Pathways

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Secondary Pathways

Working together to nurture lifelong learners

  1. Referrals

HHELC – Secondary Pathways is a specialist educational setting for children who meet strict school admissions criteria.

If you have a pupil who has been absent from school consecutively or cumulatively with the same medical/mental health condition, you can make a referral for educational support from HHELC. Please note this requires signatures from the parent/carers and from the Head Teacher. 

An Admissions and Complex Case Panel meeting is convened to discuss all new referrals.

The Admission and Complex Case Panels decision is final, and they will only offer places if they believe the facility will be able to meet the individual needs of the pupil in the following order:


  1. Live in the City and have an ECHP.
  2. Live in the City and are Looked after, or previously looked after.
  3. Referred by the Head Teacher of a Nottingham city based school, health professional or social worker, and that the pupil lives in the City and that HHELC believes the facility is the right setting for the pupil. The pupil is referred by the Head Teacher of a County school but the child lives in Nottingham city.
  4. If places are still available then places could be offered to those pupils who meet the above criteria but live outside the Nottingham city boundary with the cost being met by their home local authority as set out in the Service Level Agreement.

Further details can be accessed from the main office.

 AV1 Referral.docxDownload
 HHE-Referral-form Feb 24.docxDownload
 Service Level Agreement Document.pdfDownload
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